Should I Give Knowledge for Free or Not? What I Learnt from Dan Lok the King of High Ticket Sales

Zeeshan Arshad
5 min readDec 2, 2018

Do you spend time in finding secrets of marketing, influence, business, copy-writing, branding, consulting, coaching, joint ventures and more?

What If you get this all from one person?

I spent about 2 decades on the Internet and 3+ years in observation and collection of secrets from the Internet after 34+ years.

Until I Discovered…

A person who couldn’t say a single world of English — Dan Lok

The biggest lesson that I learnt in my life was “giving away your best of the best” (not 1% but more than 95%) and it results in making your loyal fans who feel to throw their money just to have a hand-shake with you, just to have a few minutes conversation directly with you, just to have a meetup with you.

Just to do FREE work for you just to be part of you.

I read about giving 98% best for free, charge premium 2% from Ramit Sethi, but never understood how it works until I found Dan Lok

I always prefer to find FREE stuff (software, courses, material, ebooks, movies, whatever) by doing my best to dig the Internet — was heavily affected when I encountered Dan Lok.

And, it was always my biggest confusion on should I give my best content (professional knowledge) FREE or CHARGE for it?

Or, what to giveaway for free and what to charge for?

Will giving away too much harm me or lose in business?

Dan Lok showed me the way that when you give so much of values then there is a solid game.

But, you should have your brand name and website with a premium program too else why are you giving it all for free? You might be having a family with expenses too.

How Giving Away FREE Knowledge Brings Customers?:

A person might not be able to execute all of your free contents.

A person may need some serious advice according to personal situation and condition.

A person may be exhausted with so much values.

This is where, your fan who knows your true values will WANT to throw money and meet or talk you regarding personal issues, challenges and growth suggestions even if that costs $$$ to give back to you.

Here is What I Did:

I sent email messages to Dan Lok, found myself willing to pay like even $500 or $1000 to have a video conversation with him or talk to me on call (although, I know it is nothing for him).

I posted comments on his youtube, send emails sometimes, recently translated one of his video as well.

Not just this, I made a dedicated blog page on my official site for Dan Lok with most of his best video series playlist.

I don’t just want to connect with him but also work as part of his team and would like him to mentor me.

Why it Happened?

All this happened because He delivered a heck of values.


I’m so influenced by his “valued stuff” that he openly, genuinely shares and tells how-to do with easy examples.

I spent over 2 decades on the Internet but I didn’t see a person yet who truly shares his best secrets without any cost with the world like him.

Why Negative Haters Didn’t Affect Me

I’m skeptical person too.

I read negative about him (specially his HTC program), it was affecting me a little bit (I realized how haters can affect you against someone good too)


I didn’t care much what his haters said.


I knew one thing that when Dan Lok speaks, it is all proven by his own personality, knowledge, wisdom and style — who cares what others say then?

And, I can access it all free from his youtube channel.

Did His Branded Website Work?

Just to add up one more important point.

When I watched his video first time.

His intro in video (that is mostly used in most of his youtube videos) was an important part too that sparked me that he has some credibility and awards.

I rushed into his webinar page like a brain washed person (I wondered later though).

Website wasn’t really something for me because it was mostly about him.

I reviewed his website but I was NOT impressed by his branded website, no care who really is he, didn’t care all his books, tedx conference, history, testimonials, records, website pages, blogs etc.

It was looking like some rich type personality blah blah stuff.


I spent about 2 hours in webinar (it had something for me the visitor) — first time in life for someone on the Internet.

Remember that I knew how internet marketers do this webinar game.

Game changed after I watched webinar.

It was NOT like others. Yes, there was offer at the end with testimonials but webinar itself had burst of secrets.

Then, I spent sometime and carefully read some of his pages.


I cared one thing — he is teaching me through YouTube so I better stay on youtube (yes, Youtube where I can learn, see and observe him more).

I cared one thing — what is in it for me? (so users don’t care about you, they care about themselves)

I listen videos to learn from him and it impact me more.

I don’t really spend time on his website but his youtube channel.

A Lesson I Got Today

I checked where he was before then I was shocked that he was best 10 years ago as copywriter too.

He did real hard, smart and consistent work along with his best ability of delegation.

And he deserves the present influencing media personality that has his long painful journey behind.

He is the man, I respect.


It is a personal experience of mine to share with you.

I hope you will get some gems, points and lessons from it regarding business, branding and presence on social media (specially the YouTube).

You can find him on youtube by term “Dan Lok”.

He has now 1M subscribers on Youtube (it was about 100k only in start of 2018).

This article isn’t affiliated or paid one, I shared my experience with you if you are also confused in finding how FREE values can influence people.

