Reality Test of ALLAH (God) of Islam
Some non-Muslims challenged me on social media for performing reality test of Allah the God of Islam and here comes the Signatures of Allah refuting all of them forever!

As you can see the name of Allah has appeared on left side near the Sun. It was the noon or afternoon time when I was recording lecture on truth of Islam then Allah demonstrated his name in the Sky refuting non-muslims.

It is clearly visible in the Sky that name of Allah appeared in Arabic and He allowed me to record this moment on camera. Thus, refuting non-muslims who were demanding me to perform reality test of Allah. If gods of non-muslims would be real creator of universe, they should be able to stop Allah but they could not do it because Allah is the creator and controller of the universe, Alone!

This photo is taken from my real video footage that is available on my Urdu YouTube channel through which it can be seen how did Allah bring the clouds behind the Divine Tree (which itself is the name of Allah in Arabic through branches of trees naturally) and transformed those clouds in his name in Arabic as well. Thus, refuting all Hindus on their claims regarding Hindu deities being the creator and controller of clouds and universe.

One day, I was at my home and our servant (who is also non-muslim) brought this onion to me and showed that name of Allah is written naturally (she had recognized it due to my preaching work and telling her how Allah is the creator and originator of this universe).
This is impossible for Hindus, Christians or Jews, etc to bring natural creatures or natural objects with name of their false gods naturally written on them because Allah originates these creatures from water so none can hold or take away control of Allah from false deities.

One day, I was working on my computer and in a sudden my sister came to me (who was at my home as guest) and told me name of Allah appeared inside the apple she was cutting with the servant at our home. I went downstair and interviewed them and also demonstrated this apple in real time on camera. Its recording can be seen here in Urdu language.
Having clearly visible naturally written names of Allah through various natural objects is a Divine Sign on truth of religion Islam and existence of Allah as the only one true God and creator because no one from the non-muslims have ever been able to demonstrate such miracles from their false dietieis and in all my examinations and spiritual tests, no God except Allah has ever come to prove himself / herself as true Lord of this universe.
Thus, I worship Allah alone without associating anyone with Him as God. To ALLAH belongs the Kingdoms of the Heavens and the Earth.
Alhamdulillah! I am Muslim and practical witness of several real miracles of Allah in this world in the 21st century of modern science & technology.