How Keeping Fan at Slowest Speed Can Increase Your Work Speed by 200% — Shy Coders

Zeeshan Arshad
2 min readFeb 14, 2020

If you’re sitting in your room with laptop and working on client’s project with no such interest, feeling dumb, a bit lazy and procrastinate.

It can remain as long as you sit in a closed room without fresh air and you don’t feel to work with happiness.

It’s like no good mode to carry on that difficult task or start coding work.

Further, social media like Facebook injects more poisons of miserable medicines to make you feel more dumb (obviously when wasting time around).

From life experiences, I’ve noticed that going into fresh air outside suddenly changes everything back (but you may usually forget about it when you’re inside your room specially in cold season)

So, one TRICK that suddenly changed everything back in my favor and transformed me into a happy mode, creative soul is:

Turn on my room fan at slowest speed to keep the air freshness feeling on the face

And the game started to put me back into a speedy pro.



What the hell is this?

Forget the mechanic but now you know it :)

It can help you being a creative thinker who remain stuck in procrastination, overthinking or laziness feeling DUMB in the room alone!

Now you got an experiment so try this experiment again & again to kill feeling of laziness and procrastination for avoiding project work of your client.

And share your experiment, its result and experience in the comments below.

