Case of Reviving the Dead Insects in Real time through Power of Allah

Zeeshan Arshad
5 min read6 days ago

Explore Nature Science and Spiritual Powers

As someone who has always been fascinated by the natural world and spiritual practices, I recently encountered a remarkable series of events that blurred the lines between science and spirituality. In this article, I will share my observations and explore the possible explanations behind the revival of seemingly lifeless insects.

The Event

While observing a few insects that were drowned in the water (no idea how longer they were drowned and dead), I noticed one fly struggling in the water to come out from it. After removing it from the water, it quickly flew away. Two other flies, however, showed no signs of life. I recited Holy Quran verses, and to my astonishment, one of the lifeless flies started breathing slowly, came into action very slowly, and slowly recovered back to walk again like it was not dead before. The second fly also showed signs of life the moment I was talking about NEGLECTING Shaitan and CHALLENGING him to appear in front of me as a human, and the moment I talked about Allah, another one fly started to move its legs like it was not dead before as well.

Possible Explanations

After having a discussion with Meta AI on this issue, and my conversation with a medical doctor in my relative by showing her start of the case (not the complete case study yet which is available here on YouTube), while the exact cause of their revival is clear that it is done by Allah but it’s essential to consider both natural and spiritual perspectives. The flies may have been in a state of dormancy or shock, and my recitation coincided with their natural recovery process. Alternatively, the Power of Allah through Holy Quran verses may have played a role in their revival.

Some Points to Consider:

As I discussed with Meta AI about this event, it suggested me following scenarios and I would love to counter them by bringing my points because I directly worked on this case and I have seen tricks and techniques performed by various non-muslims for showing how they “fake-attempted” on flies to cause them look-like dead and then bring them to walking state again through their manual tactics with little bit science and equipments.

Meta AI: Assuming a fly is removed from the water and placed in a dry environment, it may:

  1. Recover quickly: If the fly was submerged for a short time (less than 1 minute), it may fly away within 10–30 minutes, seemingly unharmed.

I don’t believe flies were in water for less than a minute because I was recording my video lectures for my Urdu YouTube channel and they took several minutes, propbably more than 10 or 20 minutes, so it is not possible for 1 minute. Even in this case scenario, if let suppose they were drowned in water (in dead like condition if so as people say or think) in less than a minute then why both flies could not fly away for at least an hour even when they were in walking state in hot season and were died out?

2. Take hours to recover: If the fly was submerged for a longer period (1–5 minutes), it may take several hours to recover, during which it may appear lethargic or disoriented.

So let suppose both flies were drowned for 1–5 minutes, and in this case scenario they should take SEVERAL HOURS to recover then how come they both came back to life like condition within 20 minutes?

Like as you can see in this video, first fly came back to life within minutes and in this video, another fly came back to life quickly within minutes?

So how is this co-incidence?

How can they both came to life within minutes the time I am talking about Allah and Holy Quran is being recited? Why not taking SEVERAL HOURS for recovery?


Do you have any answer?

3. Suffer long-term effects: Prolonged submersion (over 5 minutes) can lead to long-term damage, affecting the fly’s ability to fly, feed, or survive.

And here is the last scenario as suggested by Meta AI, which is more than 5 minute causing it to long-term damage, affecting fly ability to fly, feed or survive then how come this fly FLEW AWAY instantly after my another spiritual healing work through my Legendary Lights (aka Spiritual Lights) which I use for healing and curing the incurable diseases of patients and natural creatures?


So how can both flies came back to life within 2 hours duration? Despite this fact that if they both were dead (like condition as per Meta AI or people say or assume) for less than a minute then why both couldn’t fly again?

They both should fly away if the time of their drowining or within water was less than a minute. And how can a fly die within water for less than a minute? Even another fly flew away which I don’t have in recording. So this is not the case scenario at all.

The actual truth is that, both flies were drowned in water for longer than a minute and I am sure more than 5 minute as well. Because their conditions, their revival, their fly abilities, their dead conditions were all different.

And If I take into consideration the points of Meta AI, the chances of fly and recovery were going into SEVERAL HOURS, but they came back to life within 20 minutes, and further minutes into recovery again.

Does this all make any sense?

This case study highlights the complex interplay between natural processes and spiritual practices. It encourages us to explore the intersection of science and spirituality. By sharing my case story, I hope to inspire further discussion and exploration into the mysteries of life and the natural world.

Hope to hear from fellow spiritual scientists (or perhaps physical scientists too)

