13 Rules to Improve Yourself

Zeeshan Arshad
1 min readJun 22, 2024


  1. Read at least 20 pages everyday.
  2. 2. Set boundaries with people who take advantage of your kindness.

3. Don’t take anything personally; instead, work hard to correct it and demonstrate who you are.

4. Have a good circle of friends who you spend the most time with.

5. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Your time is NOW!

6. Stay motivated by your ambitions, not your addictions.

7. Get to know new individuals and visit places you never thought possible through networking.

8. Exercise daily and eat healthily. You are the best POSSIBLE version of yourself as of now and still DOING YOUR BEST to become a better version of yourself every single day and you know it deeply deep down in your heart.

9. Sleep at night before 10pm to increase your body power, improve mental health and achieve mental peace and freedom.

10. Make a morning routine to walk, talk and write. Finish your most important tasks at early morning with FULL FOCUS!

11. Develop skills that will pay you $500 every week. Create your future now!

12. Never rely on your 9-to-5 salary. Start developing 5 or more income streams.

13. Meditate daily for 5-minutes at least.

